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juvenile lead造句

"juvenile lead"是什么意思  
  • The next act is therefore about giving the juvenile lead some gravitas.
  • In 1949 he played the juvenile lead in King's Rhapsody with Ivor Novello.
  • Bill and Monica make the juvenile leads in " Titanic " seem mature.
  • I was never tall enough or good looking enough to play juvenile leads.
  • Oz has a problem : his juvenile lead.
  • Actor Jimmy Lydon, familiar as a juvenile lead in the 1940s, was cast as an Army captain.
  • At age 19 he had the distinction of being juvenile lead to Eleonora Duse in her company.
  • She made her British stage debut in 1933 and joined the Hull Repertory Company as a juvenile lead.
  • The bonding of souls here is at once hearty and peculiar, and the juvenile leads are especially convincing.
  • The show's juvenile lead, Billy Lawler ( Dick Powell ), takes an immediate liking to Peggy, as does Pat.
  • It's difficult to see juvenile lead in a sentence. 用juvenile lead造句挺难的
  • She played the juvenile lead in the first play " The Seventh Step " written by of Padrig Fallon.
  • Previous to his screen career he played juvenile leads in stock and supported stage actress Maude Adams in " Peter Pan ."
  • He started his acting career in 1940, in a touring company in Cardiff playing a juvenile lead in " Sweet Lavender ".
  • He continued his theatre work throughout the war, playing character parts in touring comedies and eventually achieving a juvenile lead in 1920.
  • Realising he was not a " tall, impressive juvenile lead or a young lover type, " he decided to specialise in comedy.
  • He was popular as a juvenile lead, but as a serious leading man, he came up a bit short-- 5-foot-6, to be exact.
  • He then bluffed his way into weekly repertory in Barrow-in-Furness as juvenile lead-terrified the while that he would be exposed as totally inexperienced.
  • I turned down being the juvenile lead with Ethel Merman in " Panama Hattie " to go on to medical school, which just killed me.
  • He was playing the juvenile lead on the stage in " The Greeks " when a scout from the " Fox Company " saw him.
  • When his actors struck in Kremenchuk over low pay, Rosenberg himself triumphantly played the juvenile lead role in " Shmendrik ", effectively breaking the strike.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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